Failed? Failure…

“Have you ever been so sad that you can’t even cry you just sit there and think about how sad you are”

Because I am right now. Today is the worst day of half of this year and no word could describe my feeling. I failed the test. I am confused whether I also failed the interview too. I realized that so much unhappiness and shits happened in my fucking life from the day I decided to move and live here. I know that sounds as if I was blaming God, life, destiny on my failures and bitching life, but the fact that I have had experienced and suffered so much things that I did not want them to happen makes me so sick. I am sick of everything now, seriously. I also know that I have never been good with facing problems and shits. Whenever things go wrong, I will keep silence and act like nothing happens, and then what….. i let it hurt me, eat me, kill me slowly. My mind becomes blank and numb and I feel nothing. It totally sucks because when you’re sad, it is better to express your feelings than keeping it deep down under your heart. I really do not know what to do or to think anymore. Failure is a must, but you hardly accept it when you have to face it. I am again falling down into the mud of sins, negatives, shits or whatever it is called. Run away, out of this place and be a coward or stand up, be stronger than never and face my fears, failures and challenges ahead? To be honest I feel my energy for this journey is running out,.. so exhausted and drained and just want to leave everything there, go to the world and scream the hell out “I am ready to go and explore”.

Sunday morning

Sitting on the JR to be back home after long long night shift, listening to Empty of Winner english version. Exhausted to the extent that I am feeling nothing, not tired, not sleepy, just blank. It is like when you hurt too much you feel numb lol. Sunday morning be like …… that.

Kind heart

Thánh cứu đói. Cứ mỗi lần làm mệt mà đc như vầy thấy cũng đỡ. Thiệt chứ có những ng tốt đến mức ngày nào đi làm cũng phân phát đồ ăn cho cả đám, lần nào đi ra ga chung cũng mua cho chai nước, nhưng ngoài cảm ơn ra mình đéo bít bộc lộ cảm xúc sao nữa. Khộ lắm chứ hôm nay cứ niệm thần chú trong đầu muốn nghỉ lắm rồi nhưng vầy thì cũng ko nỡ hix. #kindpeople #doesexist #kindheart #rangthoi

Anh biết gió đến từ đâu..

Photo courtesy of Jan Reurink.

Save this post here and edit in Vietnamese later because I am typing on my Ipad

I finished the whole story in 4AM yesterday and my heart was about to explode due to suffocating non stop. The near ending is too much to take but fortunately it's open ending, leaving me a thought that this couple would be reunion and maybe they have a bright future ahead. Everything about this story, from content, context, characters, the writer's writing style, is just my style, for me. I mean, yeah I always imagine to breathe the air on plateau, meet soulmate in this wide and breathtaking natural scene, always want to volunteer in NGO to protect wild animals, and yes this story is just perfect for my imagination. It is now on my top list books that I have ever read and given out my feelings.
I usually write my feelings about books or movies in Vietnamese my mother language so I will be back and edit this post soon.

Younger than the real age

Today I worked with Brazilian woman. She asked me my age and guest what, she said I did’t look like 25 but ……………… 18 omg no way lolllllllll I cant. Really younger than 7 years old. Hahahahahaha. Okay before that some people also said that I look like I was born in 1995,1997 or 18~20 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Also after work, other auntie gave me a candy as if I was a kid hihi. Just a candy but made me happy and my Sunday become better lol. Okay going home now and taking a long weekend rest. Yes WEEKEND 😆

Weekend before summer vacation

As usual, Thurs Fri Sat are 3 days I don't like the most coz my fucking part time job acquires me to stay up all night. Thanks every creature on the planet that Thurs passed and luckily no overtime. After taking the JR to the station I parked my bike yesterday, feeling drained but thanks my playlist suffering to my fav song Shout about it of The Vamps, lovely English band, got more strength to ride my bike straight to school. I thought that I could go to my classroom and sleep until class starts, for 2 hours I guess. But when arriving at school, gotta be fucking kidding me. School haven't been opened. Whyyyyy? Guess what I had to do after that? No one parked a bike under the tree, ate bread but felt like ate leaves lol, listened to my playlist and wrote this thing at the early morning while waiting for school to open. No words can describe my exhaustion right now. Ok 2 more fucking days before real fucking weekend.