Anh biết gió đến từ đâu..

Photo courtesy of Jan Reurink.

Save this post here and edit in Vietnamese later because I am typing on my Ipad

I finished the whole story in 4AM yesterday and my heart was about to explode due to suffocating non stop. The near ending is too much to take but fortunately it's open ending, leaving me a thought that this couple would be reunion and maybe they have a bright future ahead. Everything about this story, from content, context, characters, the writer's writing style, is just my style, for me. I mean, yeah I always imagine to breathe the air on plateau, meet soulmate in this wide and breathtaking natural scene, always want to volunteer in NGO to protect wild animals, and yes this story is just perfect for my imagination. It is now on my top list books that I have ever read and given out my feelings.
I usually write my feelings about books or movies in Vietnamese my mother language so I will be back and edit this post soon.

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